Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Recipe by Chef Madhumita Mohante

West Bengal is famously known as the land of maach (fish) and bhaat (rice). Bengalis share an irrevocable relationship with these two foods that are a staple in almost every household. Since countless rivers surround the state, fresh sweet water fish are a major attraction with rohu, pabdaand koi being the popular ones. Interestingly, there are more than forty types of fresh water fish that are popularly served in Bengal.

A much-loved local delicacy in Bengal is an oily fish known as 'Hilsa' or 'Ilish'. The tenderness of the flesh, unique taste and silvery appeal make it the 'queen of fish'. In fact, hilsa holds great cultural importance in Bengal and a pair of hilsa fish (Joda Ilish) is usually bought on auspicious occasions. On the vegetarian platter, one would mostly find tubers, gourds and roots. Vegetables like plantains, potatoes, water lily roots, brinjal and beans dominate the menu.(More on hilsa)

Bengali cuisine is a blend of sweet and spicy flavours. The delicate balance between the main ingredients and the seasoning plays a starring role. The simplest of meals gain an exquisite identity on adding 'phoron' or a traditional mix of pungent spices. The 'panch phoron' is used generously and it includes a combination of five spices - cumin, nigella, fenugreek, aniseed and mustard seed. (More on mustard oil)

What sets Bengali curries apart are the distinctive flavours of mustard oil, poppy seeds and turmeric with sweet undertones that warm spices like cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg and mace impart. Luchi is a deep-fried bread that is preferred here and is prepared using both refined and whole-wheat flour. Mishti Doi, a kind of sweetened yogurt with rich notes of jaggery is a usual accompaniment. All said and done, the robust fish curries and the sinful Bengali sweets easily steal the spotlight. (More on poppy seeds)

We bring to you the best of Bengal. Here are the top 10 traditional recipes that you'll absolutely love.

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